πŸ“ Address

Kavoor Rd, Vidya Nagar, Kavoor, Mangaluru, Karnataka 575013

πŸ”Ž Overview

MVS is a private college in Karnataka that offers comprehensive courses in Nursing, Technology, Information, and Internet. They provide various programs such as PH.D in Physiotherapy, PH.D in speech & Hearing, PH.D in OBG Nursing, Masters in Nursing, M...

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πŸ’΅ Course Fee & Duration
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πŸ€” What Others Think
Dr M.V Shetty Institutions has a rating of 3.9/5 for Medical Coding Course in Mangaluru
⭐ Services & Expertise
  • β€’ Nursing school, Educational institution
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What courses are offered at Dr M.V Shetty Institutions ?

Dr M.V Shetty Institutions offers Medical Coding Course. Contact them for details about other courses.

Where is Dr M.V Shetty Institutions located?

Dr M.V Shetty Institutions is located in Kavoor Rd , Mangaluru. It is easily accessible for students in the region.

What is the duration of the Medical Coding Course ?

The duration of the Medical Coding Course at Dr M.V Shetty Institutions varies based on the program. Please contact the institute for specifics.

How can I enroll for Medical Coding Course at Dr M.V Shetty Institutions ?

You can enrol by contacting Dr M.V Shetty Institutions by filling the form below or visiting their website for more information on the application process.

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